Share your Watch Face with the world

Its very easy. Just download our iOS app to your phone and follow these steps. ✌️

👉 Do you want to manually send us the .watchface file? here is how


Download Watchfacely App on iPhone


Launch Watch App on your phone.


Select the Watch face you want to share.
Tap on the Share icon on the top right corner


Tap on the happy Watchfaces icon from your share options


Watchfaces app will open and ask you to login, if you haven't logged in already.
Go ahead and login with your Apple ID


Type the following in your submission.
Name: Write a short and cool name for your face
Description: Add some more details about this face
Apps Used: This will be populated autometically.

Your shared face will be publicly available once its reviewed by our editors. We do this to ensure the quality of the faces available through Watchfacely. You will get an email with the link once the face is Approved.
Watchfacely iOS - Share & Download faces for your Apple Watch (on watchOS 7) | Product Hunt Embed